Showing 1969–1984 of 2261 results
20’x20′ Silk Full Stop Overhead
20’x20′ Silk Full Stop Overhead
20’x20′ Solid Overhead
20’x20′ Solid Overhead
6’x6′ 1″ Square Butterfly Frame
6’x6′ 1″ Square Butterfly Frame
12’x12′ 1″ Square Overhead Frame
12’x12′ 1″ Square Overhead Frame
12’x12′ 1″ Round Overhead Frame
12’x12′ 1″ Round Overhead Frame
12’x12′ 1-1/4″ Speedrail Pipe Overhead Frame
12’x12′ 1-1/4″ Speedrail Pipe Overhead Frame
6’x6′ 1-1/4″ Speedrail Pipe Butterfly Frame
6’x6′ 1-1/4″ Speedrail Pipe Butterfly Frame
12′ x 12′ Solid Overhead
12′ x 12′ Solid Overhead
12’x12′ Single Overhead
12’x12′ Single Overhead
12’x12′ 1/4 Grid Overhead
12’x12′ 1/4 Grid Overhead
12’x12′ Double Net Overhead
12’x12′ Double Net Overhead
12’x12′ Voodoo Cloth Overhead
12’x12′ Voodoo Cloth Overhead In an effort to satisfy the ever changing tastes and requirements of the international production industry, Matthews Studio Equipment is introducing VOODOO cloth diffusion. VOODOO cloth is a full density fabric that produces extremely soft diffusion that is suitable for overheads and butterflies as well as 4’x4’s when used with large,…
12’x12′ Silk 1/4 Stop Overhead
12’x12′ Silk 1/4 Stop Overhead
12’x12′ Silk Full Stop Overhead
12’x12′ Silk Full Stop Overhead
10’x12′ Double Net Overhead
Rent 10’x12′ Double Net Overhead in New York City.
10’x12′ Single Net Overhead
Rent 10’x12′ Single Net Overhead NYC.